Monday, May 31, 2010

Lost in Mississipi

After leaving Jenny's house we got on the Natchez Trace Parkway for a few miles and visited the historic town of Raymond. St. Marks Episcopal Church

The Courthouse was getting a makeover...more of that stimulus money at work. Many of the roads in the SMNP were getting repaved with stimulus money also and were closed. Much of the history of Raymond, as many of the small towns on the Natchez, is a sad story of the civil war. After the battle of Raymond, citizens cared for more than 1000 wounded soldiers, Confederate as well as Yankee, in this church, courthouse and private homes.

We found this little church a perfect scene for a picnic lunch. The little graveyard had a lot of little children and babies graves. A sad reminder that in our grandparents and parents days, more than half the children died before they were 5 years old with diseases that are prevented by vaccinations or cured with antibiotics now.


Lisa Echerd said...

Very pretty. Thanks for sharing

Tracy said...

I love these small towns. My dream is to live in a very small town.