What do you call an
addiction to knowing about the weather conditions? I do not watch The Weather Channel or the local weather but I must know what the weather is when I think about people. My weather bug for Lubbock on my computer screen has not been working for several days. (I know it has not been 73 in Lubbock all week). It has been driving me nuts. Yesterday I called central reservations for Hampton Inns, located in Manila. I had to find out what the weather was like and the time before I could talk to the operator.

It was 82 and mostly cloudy at 9:20 am. Right now, it is 43 in Lubbock and 72 in Huntsville. Wait a minute...could that be right? 72 in Huntsville. That does not sound right.
Well, I brought my mums in the house because it is supposed to freeze in San Angelo tonight. I have a new working weather gadget for Lubbock and all is well with my world. Off to check out that 72 in Huntsville. That does not sound right. OK...that's more like it. 34 and raining in Huntsville.
Well, maybe it's because the weather is kinda unpredictable this time of year in Tx. . . Is it's going to warm or cold?? What do I wear?
We did have some really nice days last week.. Wednesday it was rather warm. Been enjoying the weather here.
It's raining this morning.. and for the first time I don't mind.. because I have grass!
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