I'm still getting some extra time off, so my album is coming together very fast. Here is my patient spouse, texting while waiting to board the inevitable bus.
Louisa May Alcott's home in Concord... who loves Little Women besides me?

Here is my very cool paper with map of North America... Michaels was nice enough to sell me one of these papers for each town.

This is the church where Paul Revere (or someone) hung the lantern to warn that the British were coming. It seems there may be some confusion about the whole "One if by land, two if by sea" thing. The church is in the middle of all these other buildings and there is no way to get a good view of it with a camera. I did get a good picture of the stairs the famous soldier used to carry the lantern to the tower. (and of course, the hymnal.) Sometimes you have to get what you can.

At Lexington, the photos are a little vague, but they let us off the bus and told us a very long story about the first battle of the war. I'm pretty sure the guide is a former history teacher. Not that is a bad thing....but he didn't seem to know very many poems.
And we know what happened at Concord:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
here once the embattled farmer stood,
and fired the shot heard round the world.
Trinity Church..another chance to cut some really bad pictures into small pieces and try to make them look interesting.

Remember the Tortoise and the Hare?
Then, at Harvard we saw a protest in progress. It seems they had fired Joan, who is
suing Harvard for age discrimination and the Union is not happy. It also seems that the statue of John Harvard is someone else. No one knows what John Harvard looks like because there are no pictures of him. He only lived to be 31 and his donation to establish the university was $371...honestly, that's what the guide told us. He also told us some other stories about things that may take place around the statue that I won't bother you with.
Nice layouts. Good for you hubby texting, I am still learning.
Very nice layouts. Since I am originally from Boston, I really enjoyed your photos!
Love, love, love your pages.
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