- I finished scrapbooking all my pictures about 2 weeks ago.
- The first week I tried to stay out of my scrapbook room and read, clean and even rented a movie. (I Don't recommend Amelia. I was very disappointed in her. Julie and Julia was better than I thought it would be. Meryl Streep is amazing)
- I got taxes done yesterday. I spent about 8 hours attempting to get my 1099's to download from investment firm. Final outcome: Vista won't let that happen. I switched to a computer with XP. It took 5 minutes.
- I kept wandering back into my sb room, though and here is what I found to do:
- took my 12x12 Wildflower scrapbook apart and made it into a 8x8 and got rid of the not so great photos that we have been taking since the 1970's and just kept the best.
Put my favorite bluebonnet page in a frame. This is one of the first photos I took with my Cannon Rebel film camera in 2003.
- Took apart another 12x12 album and reorganized some of my albums, turning some 12x12 pages into 11x8's. I do not like the 3 ring 12x12 albums anymore. They are too big and bulky and I find I don't like to look at them. Also, the pages sag and get messed up unless they are laying flat.
- Friends
- Nursing school and friends at work
- Just the two of us: Wedding, first year, etc.
- Long ago and short trips with just the two of us
- Anniversaries and special pages (Valentines, birthdays and my favorite photos of Basil)
Wow - you have a lot of albums! I'm envious. They're all leather, too!
WOW. I will never be "caught up".
My SIL has to purposely take pictures to scrap on our Friday nights.
I better get my butt moving, I have a lot of stuff to do.
I'm almost there. I don't have too many photos left to scrap and can't wait for spring to be able to start taking loads of photos outside again!
Caught up? I didn't think that was possible. You are my hero.
The Dream Center is looking for volunteers if you need something to do.
So basically when you don't have anything to scrapbook you take apart your scrapbooks and redo them?? Glad you found at least one thing you love to do. :-)
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