L is going to church camp today and she came over yesterday to show me her "Hippy Outfit". They were supposed to dress 60's or 70's and I am one of the people she knows who were alive then, so she wanted me to tell her she looked like a flower child. I'm not too sure how much like a flower child she looks, but she sure looked cute!

She got her outfit at Christians in Action.

This is her big sister.

Here is the whole family from a photo shoot we did for them in June. Can you find the twins?

I read a really interesting book yesterday by the author of the book and movie, "A Perfect Stranger". You can see it on my shelf and look at the review. Even my non-reading (except for the Bible) husband picked it up and was reading it!
I am so out of photos for scrapbooking. I ordered 10 each of the Coleman family from March and one of me and Caedon at his birthday party to put in each of my grandchildren's album so I would have something to do. Maybe I will post 10 scrapbook pages, all with the same photos, but all different ....I know you are looking forward to that!
LOVE that b/w picture. Did you take that? She looks like a hippie to me.
Yes, I took it, but dad helped me fix it BW in photoimpact.
I think she def. looks like a tree-hugging flower child/ hippie!
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