The boat trip to the Channel Islands takes about an hour. We saw one whale but on the way back there were "mega pods" of dolphins that followed us. There were about a hundred of these little fellows all around the boat who came up to say, "Hello, humans, welcome!" It was an amazing experience and makes me think a different way about our relationship with the animal kingdom.

This is as close as we got to the traditional photo of the arch at the Channel Islands that you see in all the brochures. We did not visit the Island near the arch. During the winter the trips are limited and the only Island available to us was Santa Cruz. We had a lovely hike there, though and enjoyed it very much. I am working on my scrapbook now and plan to scan it for a slideshow when I finish it.

Here we are on the Palos Verdes pennisula that we could see from our hotel balcony. You are looking at Redondo beach with Los Angeles in the background. We drove over there one evening and arrived just in time for sunset and enjoyed a walk along the ocean across from some of the million dollar homes there.

Basil got the Palos Verdes sunset with a boat and a helicopter!
By the time my kids are all grown, will I be too old for fun trips like that?
Way cool!
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