Courtney and her family are here and we are enjoying having them with us. Here we are with her two youngest, Z and I. E and M are the camera men for us tonight. Those guys will do anything to put off going to bed, including watching Strawberry Shortcake with their little sister! I put "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" on my MP3 player for their bedtime music and they got a giggle over that. They saw real reindeer on their way here from Lubbock and have pictures to prove it. I'm sure Courtney will post them on her blog.

My Christmas gift from my dear husband is finished and I am so proud. He painted our bedroom and I'm loving it! The color is crocodile tears. I have been looking forward to getting this done for a long time. I'm already contemplating what room I am going to have him paint next year. That's Kitty in the chair, our very naughty, but entertaining roomate.

I have the turkey out of the freezer and lots of very excited and curious little folks all around and it really is a most wonderful time of the year. We miss our oldest daughter, Jenny and her family, but their move to Montgomery, Alabama went well and they are all happy and well in their new home and we are looking forward to seeing them soon. We are so grateful for all our blessings and most of all for God's gift of his son who brought us forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
I thought we weren't going to use children's names in our blogs.
I enjoyed our visit. Thanks for your hospitality and generosity
Where are your dresser and sewing machine? I love the color. We miss you too. I cried lots of homesick tears at the Christmas Eve service here. I was so embarrassed. I didn't have a tissue and didn't know where the bathroom was and didn't want to make a bigger scene by getting up in the middle of such a small quiet service to look for it. So I wiped my tears onto my pants.
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