Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Talking to God

Really, my title should be "God talking to me" but I didn't want it to sound too scary and crazy. 

How exciting it is when God speaks so clearly to you that there is no doubt in your mind that it was His voice. 
We have communion at our church every Sunday, and I am very careful to examine myself before communion because of this verse:

1 Corinthians 11:26-29
For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again. So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ, you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself.

As soon as I started to pray, I thought of an attitude that I had toward someone who gave me a little lecture last week and I realized our enemy, Satan, had brought that attitude to me and I had recieved it from him. It was pride.

 During the sermon, a word came into my mind: Humility. "I want to teach you about humility." The sermon was nothing about humility, but I was so excited, I couldn't  wait to get home and start learning about it. I wrote it down in my bulletin in case I forgot. 

 I think maybe pride is the devil's favorite sin. It was the one that got him kicked out of heaven.  It is the first of the "deadly sins" in Proverbs 6:16-19 It makes us judgmental and hypocritical. It makes our influence a negative one and keeps others who see our attitude from wanting our Savior. 

When I look down on someone because I have more virtue, knowledge, skill, wealth or for any reason at all, I am taking credit for what God has done in my life. 

I Corinthians 4:7  
For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?

I would love any comments about what the Lord has taught you about humility (or anything else).
The pictures are Amicolola Falls in northern Georgia.


1 comment:

Wendy said...

"When I look down on someone because I have more virtue, knowledge, skill, wealth or for any reason at all, I am taking credit for what God has done in my life." - that's a great quote. I'm stealing it.