I also got a new book by Chris Bojallian on my MP3 player that I am looking forward to listening to today while I scrapbook. He is one of the few men who write chick lit, along with our favorite Nicholas Sparks of The Notebook fame.
I have not seen a new book by Phillip Yancey (not a chick lit guy, but my favorite Christian author) in a long time. I need to check up on him and see what he is up to these days.
Later: Well, I did check up on Phillip, and would you believe he is in Germany at the very place where The Book Thief took place? He had some very interesting commentary about the places he has seen there. I also learned he broke his neck sometime last year but is OK and back to climbing those 14,000 foot mountains near where he lives in Colorado. Praise the Lord for that! He has some great photos of those mountains on his blog: http://www.philipyancey.com/ . They are under "community". Have a look at him if you think a guy's hair do can not get any worse than Donald Trump. Hey, I said I liked his books, not his hair!
Here are some photos of some guys with great hair from Sunday afternoon. Z got to go pick out a car as a reward for a very big accomplishment!