We had a very nice trip the last two weeks to Sebring, Florida. We had a lot of different adventures, (and photos, of course) but I'm going to start with the purpose of the trip which was to go to Sebring, Florida and assist with the ordination to the gospel ministry of our friend, Ken Lambert, at the Faith Missionary Baptist Church.
Bonnie, Ken's wife is in the center here, with her sister, Debi, on the left and her mother, Peggy, on the right. They sang a lovely special song at the service.
Ken and Bonnie's sons, from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan drove 1500 miles to surprise them this weekend and be with them for the ordination. Their daughter, Angel, lives with them.
Basil also had a three night seminar at their church: " Freedom and Healing Weekend". The diagram will look very familiar, I'm sure!

We had a lovely place to stay on the campus of the Sudan Interior Mission Retirement Village. What an awesome thing to look out the window and know that everyone who lives around us had been missionaries in Africa!

The day before we left, I recieved news that my dear friend, and roommate in nursing school, Jeri, has ovarian cancer. She has had surgery, now and will be having chemotherapy in the next few weeks. Please continue to pray with me for her.