These photos are from a trip we took to Big Bend National Park in 1978. Like many photos of the early years of color prints, the colors faded and turned to a ugly red and I was not able to find the negatives to have them restored.
Jenny at the top of Emory Peak.
This photo was taken from the top and is the reason I am blogging about this trip today. My husband has been wanting it enlarged for a very long time to put in his office for an object lesson and he has been working on getting it restored today. The little bump that you see in the middle is
Casa Grande, a 7,300 ft. mountain in the basin of Big Bend.

So, the story goes like this:
"We left at nine am and hiked to the top of Emory Peak, and got back at six pm. The hike was nine miles long with an elevation of 2,400 feet. It was the hardest hike I have ever done and I was very proud of Jenny. She was only nine years old and when the picture of her was taken, she was very scared. She was on a tiny little shelf, barely big enough for the two of us. "
Now for the part about what
scrapbookers think about.... (that would be me). When we went on this trip, Courtney was three and Wendy was eighteen months and we lived in Ft. Worth.
I left them with their Grandmother Frasure in San Angelo who had never taken care of both of them before and was 66 years old. I can't believe I thought that was OK. I can't believe she agreed to it. Not only that, but Wendy got an ear infection and she had to find a doctor for her. I don't think she had any way to even contact us. I know the cabin we were in had no phone. What a nightmare. I can't believe I was so stupid!
I would like to say, "Thank you", to an
incredibly brave grandmother.

As my daughters know, I wouldn't have even taken them to the park by myself!