Saturday, February 4, 2012

Big No, No, but I did it anyway.

I wanted to show you what I have been making for Samantha. She posted a picture of her nursery on facebook and I remembered I had these papers that matched it.  I usually don't make scrapbooking gifts, because I know some  people don't care for it, but I became more brave after I made a little album for my hairdresser and she loved it. I think Samantha will, too. And she is so sweet, she will pretend she likes it, even if she doesn't.

So I made these frames ready for her to put  pictures of Connor  when he gets here and a little album, too. The pages in the album are ready for pictures, too, in a similiar style and with these papers.
Here is her nursery if you didn't see it.


Wendy said...

I bet she'll like it. It's her first baby. She'll actually have time to put the pictures in a scrapbook.

Finding Joy in Him said...


Camezi said...

She'll like it!